My name is
Kateřina Terezie Cajthamlová I am here to help you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

I am an advocate of a holistic approach to health, which combines the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our existence. I am a physician, internist, and psychotherapist with over twenty years of experience in various fields. I specialize in mental health, relationships, and overall lifestyle improvement. I believe that every person is unique, and therefore, I approach each individual with respect for their needs and goals.


If your condition is such that you can no longer help yourself, it is necessary to seek professional intervention. However, consider carefully if that is really the case. Most of the time, you are stronger than you think! You just need someone to tell you and show you the way.

As part of the comprehensive services I provide, I also engage in psychotherapeutic practice. The reason is simple: a disturbed psyche is the source of many civilization diseases and their symptoms (obesity, stress, etc.). I wish for my clients to be satisfied and balanced individuals in every aspect. Such individuals are less susceptible and better equipped to handle challenging life situations.

I do not try to mitigate the consequences, but rather seek ways to better address your current problems and support you in implementing them. The method I work with is called systemic psychotherapy and is based on the works of Maturana, Bateson, Shazer, and Watzlawick. Please do not confuse it with Paul Hellingers' systemic constellations.

The method of psychotherapeutic work is focused on the client's needs and is conducted through therapeutic conversation, in which the client, with the help of the therapist, finds suitable solutions. This method has proven to be more effective than other methods where the client is the object of the therapist's investigation and receives "wise" advice. Do not expect psychoanalysis or cognitive-behavioral approaches. The systemic approach is a purely subjective method, which significantly distinguishes it from the aforementioned approaches. Its advantage lies in the individualization according to the client's needs, respect for their previous solutions, and support and appreciation wherever the client is struggling or still searching for their new path.

My other current activities

Radio Show (CZ)

You can tune in to the radio show about health and lifestyle called "Happily and Healthily" on Radio Region every Friday at 1 PM. You can also listen to individual episodes online on the Radio's website (CZ).

Reading Fairy Tales to Children

As part of the Mezi námi Movement program, I regularly read fairy tales to children at the Na Vrcholu kindergarten.

Lectures for professional societies

I give professional lectures for the Czech Medical Chamber or the Czech Pharmaceutical Chamber.

Public Lectures

I have accepted invitations to give public lectures for ČEZ, Radio Free Europe, University of Economics in Prague, Volkswagen Group, ČSOB, and many others.




Czech Association for Psychotherapy
Czech Medical Chamber
Mensa Czech Republic


Are you interested in collaborating with me?

Send me an email

or send an SMS (or call in case of emergency)
+420 605 101 121

How to reach me

You can find me at Petra Clinic (Palác Ligna, 4th floor)

Vodičkova 791/39
110 00 Prague 1